Wiggly little guys are always the trickiest of subjects! We’ll sometimes get a little girl who doesn’t want to sit still – but it is mainly the boys – ages 2-4 who just want to run, run, run! Therefore, we have come up with several tricks to get these kids to sit still during their photo sessions. We first start off interacting with them and trying to engage them with song and silly faces. Sometimes that is not exciting enough, and we’ll get a runner. We always try to let those little guys run a bit and get their sillies out in the hopes that they’ll be content sitting back down and posing nicely for their photos. Next up in our bag of tricks are props: chairs, buckets, airplanes – anything they can bang on and get excited about! That will usually do it – but there is a sneaky little trick that I’ll put out when a little boy just can not be bribed to sit still. It’s a tip I learned when reading the Anne Geddes Autobiography “A Labor of Love.” In the book she describes a little boy who – surprise, surprise – wouldn’t sit still. Out of frustration, she stuffed jelly beans into his pockets and clicked away as he stood still, happily focused on the prize in his pockets. I’ve used that trick a few times, and it is a really great one! Kids are definitely food-motivated, and we’ve got to use every advantage we can to capture great portraits of these kids at our studio!
Although our portrait studio is located in Culver City, we see lost of kids from Mar vista, CA for their children and family portraits. Check out our website