When this client called to book us to photograph her son’s first birthday photos she explained what a momentous occasion Korean First Birthday Celebrations are. Over the years we have seen many little ones for this joyous time, and seen a whole variety of dol-bok which is a very colorful and ornate clothing that these one year olds are dressed in.
“The dol-bok that the child wears differs according to the child’s sex. A boy would traditionally wear a pink or striped jogori (jacket) with purple or gray paji (pants), a striped durumagi (long jacket), a blue vest printed with a gold or silver pattern or a striped magoja (jacket), a jonbok (long blue vest) with a gold or silver pattern, a bokgun (black hat with long tail), and tarae-busun (traditional socks). A girl would wear a stripedjogori, a long red chima (skirt), a gold-and-silver printed jobawi (hat) and tarae-busun. In addition to their dol-bok, boys and girls would wear a long dol-ddi (belt that wraps around the body twice) for longevity and a dol-jumuni (pouch) for luck. The dol-jumuni would be made of fine silk, with a thread to open and close it. Buttons were not used in the dol-bok, to symbolize longevity.”
We’ve known this lovely family since before their little guy was born, he melts our hears with those big eyes and long lashes every time! It was so fun to see him honoring his Korean and American heritage at this photo session since he smashed a cake as well. We’ll be at the party to document the festivities this weekend – can’t wait!!
Take a look at more of our first birthday cake smash photos as well as other babies during their first year on our website here: http://www.thepodphoto.com/Galleries/Babies/