Sometimes people are surprised to hear that 10-11 months old is the best time to take your baby’s first birthday cake smash portraits. Why, you ask? We’ve listed a few key reasons, suggestions and advice about your baby’s first birthday cake smash portraits below, along with this adorable little curly sue and her 10 month & cake smash portraits!
- Standing, not walking. At 10 months old, babies are usually beginning to pull themselves up to stand – which makes them really excited and proud of themselves! At this age, they like to show off and they tend to look to mom and dad (or the camera) for approval of their accomplishments, generating big smiles. Once they hit that 12 month mark, standing is old news and babies are ready to roam and explore! One-year-old adventurers are way more curious about the world around them, having them engaged with pretty much everything in their environment other than the camera. When photographing a 12 month old, be prepared for lots of outtakes 🙂
- Stranger Danger. I often joke that a 10 month old baby will smile at everything and everyone. Stranger anxiety has usually not crept in yet at this age, but in a few months, mom and dad will be the only ones that they are interested in. So come time for your one year portraits, you’re bound to get way more smiles and a way happier baby at 10 or 11 months old.
- The Tea Party Set!
- Sweet girl
- Time for Rescheduling. Especially if your baby goes to daycare, these little ones can often come down with little colds, and sick babies are not happy cake smashers! So, rather than wait until a week or two before the big party for your photoshoot, always leave room for those last-minute things that come up and avoid the stress!
- Party Invitations! Nothing is cuter than having your baby smashing their cake on your very own custom designed party invitation. Our in-house designer creates one-of-a-kind cards just for you, matching to the theme and party decor!
- Classic pink, gold and teal cake smash!
- So excited!
- Everything in your hands on the day of the party. When you hire a professional photographer, your photos take time. There is a big difference between a one hour photo studio and a boutique photo studio, and it is so worth it! After your photo shoot to your ordering appointment to the time your gorgeous artwork is ready for you, about 4 weeks have gone by – but don’t worry, we give you lots of sneak reviews and access to view and share your photos with friends and family while you wait for your art to be perfected! And we promise, you’ll LOVE the finished product. Just see what everyone is raving about on Yelp!
You can also follow us on our Blog, Facebook, Instagram and Google+ to see what we’ve been up to, or explore our YouTube and Pinterest Boards for more inspiration! Be sure to call our Woodland Hills professional photography studio at 310-391-4500 to begin planning your session today!
5th March 2017
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